My Story
In kindergarten, I loved my coloring books and the simple geometric shapes. I was the kid who was careful to color inside the lines. I would’ve become an excellent draftsman were it not for a powerful pull on the creative side. So instead, I chose graphic design. It fulfilled the part of me that thrives on chaos and deadlines.
Mosaic mirrors are a more recent venture. It satisfies my other part, the one that likes to take refuge in order and intention. Geometry takes center stage, supported by fine craftsmanship and attention to detail.
My decorative wall mirrors are inspired by the Arts & Crafts Movement, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Art Deco.
This stylistic interest began when I lived in Chicago from 2001 to 2009. There, I immersed myself in its architecture and availed myself of its many historic tours. I became a member of the Chicago Architecture Foundation.
Since then, I have visited some of Wright’s iconic homes, including Robie House, Fallingwater, and Taliesin West. I take special notice of his stained glass windows. Melding them with other influences, I reinterpret them into the modern lifestyle.
Today, through my mosaic mirrors, I’m able to harness my instinct for precision and creativity. The mirrors are a joy to make. They also provide that little girl, who colors inside the lines, a place to flourish.